Red Album Cover 2023

Red is a concept album art for Taylor Swift’s Red album. This piece was created for my Digital two class this semester. The prompt of the piece was to create a vinyl record cover and back. We were given three separate choices to generate artists from. The first was to create a cover for an artist you loved when you were ten. The second was to create a cover for an artist you hate. Lastly, it was to create a cover for your favorite artist right now. We were to create mood boards for all three groups then narrow it down to one. I decided immediately that I wanted to create something in the category for my favorite artist when I was ten and my favorite artist now as they are the same. I used original photography and handwritten text to achieve the effect I wanted. The viewers perspective is blowing out the candles at their birthday party. I wanted the main focus to be the candles to really emulate the perspective of the viewer.


Underwater Music Festival


Illustration Work